Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spottyed Snuggles #121 Heart




“A dog doesn’t care if your rich or poor, smart or dumb.

Give him your heart.. and he’ll give you his.”

― Milo Gathema

Miss CookiesNCream and The Bandit, taken March 2008.

 They had my heart from the moment they came into my life

and gave me theirs up to the day they took their journey across the

Rainbow Bridge.

Woofs for Wordless Wednesday.

We’re paw-ticipating in the Blog Paws Blog Hop:


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Spottyed Snuggles #120 Look




“Your dog will look at you when you are worth looking at.”

~ Sam Malatesta

The Bandit loved looking at me.

Woofs for Wordless Wednesday!

We’re paw-ticipating in the Blog Paws Blog hop:

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Spottyed Snuggles #119 Influence


“If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence,

try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around.”

cowboy wisdom

Miss Cookies N Cream would have agreed with this.

Woofs and Spottyed Snuggles for Wordless Wednesday.

This is a Blog Paws blog hop:

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Spottyed Snuggles #118 Stunned

“Which of us has not been stunned by the

beauty of an animal’s skin or its flexibility in motion?”

~ Marianne Moore

It tickled my heart to watch La Petite Grande Dame Cherie in motion!

I knew she had the Dalmatian running trait in her.

Woofs for Wordless Wednesday.

We’re participating in the Blog Paws Blog Hop:

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Spottyed Snuggles #117 You

“It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or

what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy.

It is what you think about it.”

Dale Carnegie

La Petite Grande Dame Cherie didn’t have to think about being happy.

Woofs for Wordless Wednesday!

Spottyed Snuggles #116 Happy


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 “The dog who meets with a good master is the happier of the two.”

~Maurice Maeterlinck

The Bandit enjoyed performing the bed squirm.

He was one happy dog from the day he came home until he left for the Rainbow Bridge.

Taken 01/2008

Woofs for Wordless Wednesday!

Spottyed Snuggles #115 Phi Beta Kappa

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“Why, that dog is practically a Phi Beta Kappa.

She can sit up and beg, and she can give her paw

— I don’t say she will but she can.”

Dorothy Parker

Miss CookiesNCream certainly did things her own way.

She learned her manners well but as a typical Dalmatian,

she figured out what suited her the best.

All I know is that she always gave her heart up to the very end.

Today marks her Sixth Rainbow Bridge Anniversary.

December  25, 1995 to September 3, 2008.

Woofs for Wordless Wednesday!

We’re paw-ticipating in the Blog Paws Blog Hop:

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Spottyed Snuggles #114 Family



“A dog reflects the family life.

Whoever saw a frisky dog in a gloomy family, or a sad dog in a happy one?

Snarling PEOPLE have snarling dogs, dangerous people have dangerous ones.”

Arthur Conan Doyle, The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes


This month’s theme of the Blog Paws Blog Hop is Aging Pets Appreciation Month.

I’d like to share my experience concerning this topic:

As you can see by all of these pictures above of La Petite Grande Dame Cherie, she was quite happy.  She was estimated to be about 6 years old, which for Dalmatians, may be considered seniors.   She came here with a long list of special needs, ranging from:  being smaller for the breed, bad hips and knees, front teeth worn down, cracked canines, along with a severe tartar and plaque buildup in her back teeth,  skin inflammation due to a flea allergy,  very loose skin, skin cancer (benign) and was not spayed until she was turned in to the local area shelter early 2008.

These are of the first few days being home with me.

Why did I adopt a senior instead of a puppy/young adult? I just wasn’t ready.

In 2008, I sent both The Bandit and Miss CookiesNCream over the Rainbow Bridge. The decision to do so is in itself devastating. Having to perform this final act of love twice in three months  just about broke my heart. They provided me with the emotional support I needed after my other half/life partner/common-law husband of 11 years passed away. They would not allowed me to fall into a deep depression by their zest for life and enjoyment of ‘living in the present’.  They both developed medical conditions the previous year that  finally took its toll.

After a week of noticing that home was very quiet without the pitter patter of spottyed paws,  I made a road trip to the Save A Spot Rescue, which was one of the few Dalmatian rescues in the northern and Central California area. I had searched the many listed on  their Petfinders site for possible candidates. Bridget, as she was called, was on my list but not at the top. The story about her was that she was turned in with her sister, and the rescue hoped that they would be adopted together as they were about the same size.  Bridget was diagnosed with skin cancer ( benign) while in the rescue’s care so they considered the best interest if they did not continue to insist the sisters get adopted together.

The rescue brought out every ‘candidate’  that I had on my list,  and while each of them were all great,  I felt I wasn’t ready for all the energy needed for having a young Dal.  I admit I really wished I had the room to have taken them all tho as it was difficult to chose just one. Can you say Dalmatian Plantation?! LOL  I decided on Bridget/Cherie because she was low key in her energy levels and she just looked like she needed to spend the rest of her life being loved.

When she came home, it took a couple of days for her to get acclimated. She also had her own  ideas about routines and habits and insisted that I’d adhere to that.  It was a matter of trade offs- I taught her how to play with toys and she preferred her meals at a certain time, or close to the time she’d been accustomed to.  We worked on firming and toning her muscles and she’d give me a kiss and a tail wag because she loved everything we did together.

These are pictures of her really enjoying herself:


I truly enjoyed having Cherie in my life. It seems she was perfect for what I needed- or perhaps Bandit and Cookies sent me to help her? She displayed a few behavioral quirks that only Bandit or Cookies did, which I found very comforting, as if they were letting me know through her that I need to remember to live for the moment as if they were still there to help me do that.

When Cherie was ready to cross over to the Rainbow Bridge, she was sad that she had to leave me, yet she was appreciative for all the time we had together, even if it was only three  calendar years. To her, it may have been a total dream come true- to be loved for who she is, and nothing more.

For that I am truly honored and humbled for having her in my life.


This is a Blog Paws Blog Hop:

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Spottyed Snuggles #113 Conversation



“They [dogs] never talk about themselves but listen to you while you talk about yourself, and keep up an appearance of being interested in the conversation. ”
Jerome K. Jerome

Miss CookiesNCream and The Bandit

loved their conversations with me.

Woofs for Wordless Wednesday!

Spottyed Snuggles #112 Sleep



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“He sleeps as dogs do when wives bake cakes.”

~Scottish Proverb 

I just loved how The Bandit would sleep while I was close by.

These were all taken in early 2008 before his congested heart failure condition worsen.

Woofs fur Wordless Wednesday.